Our goal is to assist low-income people with getting out into the great outdoors, having awesome adventures. Kitsquad is the only UK-based scheme that provides donated adventure gear to low-income individuals.
Getting out into nature is well-documented as being beneficial to mental and physical wellbeing. For many on a low income, being able to access the countryside can still be unachievable because they lack the necessary and responsible gear and lack the funds to purchase it. Kitsquad enables these people to go out and experience the benefits that nature has to offer, using the correct and comfortable gear.
All the equipment and clothing that is sent to our recipients, has come in from the many amazing donors with the outdoor adventure community. Without whom, this scheme would not succeed. Kitsquad is a middle ground enabling the donor to support the recipients.
The other beneficiary is our planet. As a culture, we are rapidly moving toward reusing and recycling where possible and Kitsquad supports that ethos too.
Kitsquad is staffed and run 100% by Volunteers.
Thank you also to our Ambassadors, Corporate Partnerships.
Please help us reach our goals and Get Involved.

Fran is available to speak about the journey towards building Kitsquad into the success that it is today, both from the perspective of Kitsquad and also my own journey too – please use the Contact Us to invite Fran to speak at your event….
Do you have some kit you would like to send/post to Kitsquad?
If you do just package it up and send it to:
Unit 49B. Atcham Business Park. Atcham. Shrewsbury. Shropshire SY4 4UG
Read more about sending us your walking and hiking gear to Kitsquad